Fraud Targeting the Elderly

Fraudsters and scammers are known to take advantage of seniors through well disguised efforts. From posing as the IRS, to tech support and even family members in need, these scammers will con their way into convincing seniors to share confidential information, bank account numbers, and at times, send money.

Some things to keep in mind to help avoid scams and keep your loved ones’ financial information safe:

  • Do not interact with people you do not know. Scammers tend to call from phone numbers we do not recognize, send emails from senders not known to us, or use unfamiliar social media to interact. Let unknown phone numbers go to emails, only interact with people you know in person online, and never open emails from people you don’t know.
  • If you think something is suspicious or too good to be true, chances are you’re right! When in doubt, follow up by phone or in person to confirm requests you have received are legitimate.
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